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I heard that Stephane’s ex-wife’s brother in-law just committed suicide a few days ago after he was told about his terminating health situation!

“What the holy moly!” was my exclamation!

He actually hanged himself leaving behind a 15 years old teenage boy!! Holy Moly!!

I do not know what else I should say except this ” Holy Moly”!

This morning, still in bed, after one night sleeping over this “Holy Moly” event, I asked Stephane naively:

“we are all going to die one day, aren’t we?”  Of course, this naive question won’t get a naive answer!

Stephane finds it unacceptable for the fact that he just went away without thinking about his young needy son, yet I find no words to express my sorrow and empathy for his situation, less any unfavorable judgement.

Life is meant to live its natural course and its ultimate heavenly irrevocable meaning. Suicide obviously violates this natural law. Yet, don’t forget that we have been processed differently into believes as in what life is about and how it is lived. This person who just hanged himself saw no sense of life after he knew about his depressive health problem and saw no light even at the end of the tunnel based on what he was processed into! Life, to him, had come to the end!

I really do not know what was turning in his head and how he was feeling when he was going through the decision of taking his own life. I just can’t judge him anything alongside feeling deeply helpless and understanding, no matter what an ass hole he might have been all his life.

Lives are different. We should accept different endings of different lives. His death is what his life meant to be and we can do nothing about it, at least at this late stage! We can not say it is bad or good that he took his life. It was meant to be & only the spirit knows if it is the right way or not!

I know that I sound inactive and unhelpful, it seems that I would see these people die without feeling emotional for them, therefore, I should not try to be a psychologist whose job is to help people with spiritual problems. But it is untrue! Each life itself has such a unique,  furtherest and impossible& unreachable purpose that we just only have to obey its natural choice. Chinese philosopher Zhaung-Zi’s “Balance between human beings and heaven” versus( or together with) the modern Darwen’s ” Survival the fittest”, shows this ultimate rule of universe: life has its natural course: live when we are motivated and not when we lost hope. Between this motivation and losing hope, there are thousands of reasons that are out of our control and that lead each of them to form its own end.

On this subject, I myself have become such a fatalist comparing to the revolutionary Russian hero in ”  Как закалялась сталь ( How the Steel Is Refined )” by the Russian writer : Николай Алексеевич Островский, who fought his fate vigorously and who had become an icon for the Russian idealistic revolutionaries.  When we fight our fate, life evolves! This evolution changes the look and connotation of our life completely and we are hence given different feeling about life and the way for us to be. It is not to say that our survival situation has developped into such a convenience  and laziness with no such effort required( yet greatly true fortunately and unfortunately!), we have become very different than the protagonist in the novel needed to be.  Because of this comfort and easiness of life, we seem to have lost the necessity for idealism that have been holding our soul up and sound, that will fulfill our souls with purpose and eventually will avoid suicide to happen…

I knew another 2 cases of suicide, one of Alexandre’s maternal grand father who told his wife to let him go knowing that he had the kidney disfunctional problem, because he did not want to be the pain for his loved ones; another one of Stephane’s uncles in Switzerland who just disappeared into the wood at his last days…

Between the brother who hanged himself, the other 2, and Николай Алексеевич Островский the writer who expressed his idealism through his novel and fought against his fate himself all his life, there is no comparability, yet there is this fact behind that life carries on to show its wonderfully sad or happily inspiring variations…they both touched my heart in a very different & profound way!

会飞翔的猫!The Cat That Can Fly!

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You know not


the moment sent me back to one year ago.

恍惚,一瓣花瓣落上肩頭。  你的頸項, 辛香的樟樹。

In a trance, a petal falls on the shoulder. Your neck, the fragrant Camphor tree.

我閉上眼睛就是黑暗,我現在要為自己綁上一條布帶,這樣就不會睜開眼 。

It is darkness with my eyes closed, I will cover them with a ribbon, so they don’t open.


Butterflies flying by, scratching my skin, the wings fluttering , once, twice, 3 times. Reaching out to catch it, will you die in my hand?



“You gaze at me as if you were in love with me.”



You should not trust easily, for your life has been constantly misunderstood.

靈魂不斷的增重,上面砸滿了雞蛋,菜葉,垃圾。它踽踽獨行,  帶著滿身的傷痛,為自己畫上最美的蛾眉,穿上皇帝的新衣。

The spirit never stops getting heavy, with eggs, vegetable leafs & garbage. It travels lonely, bearing pain, painting the most beautiful willow eyebrows, putting on the king’s new dress.


It is darkness when eyes closed, I once told you, I was only afraid of darkness. What I meant is I do not care.


I fall again & again, it really hurts. No light, no one, only darkness.


I see many people watching  afar, I see only the lower legs of their pants.


Till I see her, her familiar smell bringing tears all over, she says, you are you, no matter what happens, I will be there.



“Can I open my eyes now? Well prepared to accept this scary world?”


我不知道我是否又掉落進命運的陷阱,  眼神裡的淪陷。一場註定失敗的戰爭。

I know not if I have fallen into destiny’s trap, fallen in the eyes. A war doomed to be lost.


Tell me, if your heart is not trembling.


I tell you, I forgot already the pain.


I know that I am no longer lovely as I should be, I am just a cat, an injured cat, dirty


but you, are like a pond of clear jade water, with me bathing inside


I fall in a second’s illusion,


shaking my short weak hair, and I could fly, so that I can kiss.



“A story with no end is a good one”



I do not want promises, no roses, neither loving murmuring, I do not want even a relation


Just let me fall asleep in the curves of your arms


Dreaming a little flower, falling into your hair. Dreaming a little cat, jumping onto your knees. Dreaming a nice dream.


I want to read the whole night, not sleep, I hope time passes at double the speed.


I wish that I can hear your voice when I feel lost, I see that you are already deeply asleep, me drinking cups of coffee at night


I wish to let you see the still beautiful me even in my ugliest days.


I wish to drag you to go see the blue sky next summer, to pick a little flower and decorate your hair.


To see your lovely smile.


Poet: Zhi Chan Wang ( niece of Hai Bo Wang )

Interpretor: Hai Bo

The Sound of Stream!

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Little stream breaking its body on the pebbles,

giving sounds like crystal petals…

The movement is for the purpose of singing,

the breaking up is for the destiny of back coming.

The sound of stream is not the sound of its own,

rather the sounds of pebbles being patted,

the mourning of its body & soul breaking

the joyous music of re-uniting

Stream goes down, the nature,

yet its spirit rises in chanting

all the way along

all the time when sun rises and dusk comes

Poet: Hai Bo


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Spacious music bar, St-Denis

dark lonely seats

grand piano with its slow & quick  notes

pianist with his eyes closed

tossing out his passion and soul

enlightening not


who sits, listening or not listening

nor her

who, bores even herself with daily petty means


that one

who,  indulges herself in


silent notes…


spontaneous, soft, the faintest aspiration

of him

who melts me with the just hearable humming…

Poet: Hai Bo


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Standing over the floor as if

standing over the valley

Movement brings breeze hugging the hair as if

a tree being breezed

Eye lashes waving

blinking out shivers

Proudly gentle glimpse

shedding significance

Soft slight touch on the waist

signaling modest communication

Chin up,

eyes down

flirting eye brows and mouth conner

yet noble and sincere

with shoulders fluttering as if flying…

Life full of wonders to make

time stop

Life full of shivers to shy

death away

Life full of fireworks to light up

the dark eternity

to pop open

the eternal brilliance

with hearts full of moving pulse

filling up every minute of time, every gentle touch…

Poet: Hai Bo