The sun,
rises behind the mountain
and over the waves it sets down
in-between the hours
it plays, observes and it listens
The sea,
unmeasurably vast as thoughts
holds millions of life in colours
fresh in dawn, hot in day
warn and shy when the sun hides away
Village of “Memories”
randomly scattered pebbles
parasols made with rough palm trees
sky high coconut giants
and the cuban woman not far away
paint their silhouettes
on the white sand bay
She is all famous on the beach
earthly dark as a statue of bonze
missing a few teeth when smiling
she offers to do me braids
we laugh and laugh
saying “no espñol”, “no inglès”
but we look into each other’s eyes
we see the sky, the mountain
and the sun
we hear the music of shuuu…shushu…
of the sea waves
and after all, we do understand
Oct.9th, 2015
At Jibacoa Memories Resort , Cuba
Very beautiful and the pictures of lovely and a picture that completes the words, the feelings the emotions and the faith that no matter what language barriers are we can still come to an understanding! IL&G