Old n shabby lamp lights up Aladdin’s dark little room though behind him is still the frightening shadows, the far corners still dim n gloom the importance lies in the eyes of Aladdin, the eyes with keen n flickering flames… Who gives us a magic lamp? what lights us our path? what drives away our fear? n… Read more »
Monthly Archives: September 2010
I heard that Stephane’s ex-wife’s brother in-law just committed suicide a few days ago after he was told about his terminating health situation! “What the holy moly!” was my exclamation! He actually hanged himself leaving behind a 15 years old teenage boy!! Holy Moly!! I do not know what else I should say except this… Read more »
会飞翔的猫!The Cat That Can Fly!
你不知道 You know not 那一秒鐘我回到了一年以前。 the moment sent me back to one year ago. 恍惚,一瓣花瓣落上肩頭。 你的頸項, 辛香的樟樹。 In a trance, a petal falls on the shoulder. Your neck, the fragrant Camphor tree. 我閉上眼睛就是黑暗,我現在要為自己綁上一條布帶,這樣就不會睜開眼 。 It is darkness with my eyes closed, I will cover them with a ribbon, so they don’t open. 蝴蝶劃過我的皮膚,翅膀扇動,一下,兩下,三下。伸手去抓,你是否在我的掌心死亡? Butterflies flying… Read more »
The Sound of Stream!
Little stream breaking its body on the pebbles, giving sounds like crystal petals… The movement is for the purpose of singing, the breaking up is for the destiny of back coming. The sound of stream is not the sound of its own, rather the sounds of pebbles being patted, the mourning of its body &… Read more »
Spacious music bar, St-Denis dark lonely seats grand piano with its slow & quick notes pianist with his eyes closed tossing out his passion and soul enlightening not him who sits, listening or not listening nor her who, bores even herself with daily petty means but that one who, indulges herself in those silent notes…… Read more »
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