Going up to the 6th floor in the elevator Ding Ding, the bell rings Seeing the janitor standing outside Wondering if I have arrived “There are only 6 floors, and we have no elevator for further more!” I joked with him: there is still heaven and the heart is the elevator for all!
Monthly Archives: April 2009
Love – dedicated to Phyllis & Christie!
We are trapped & tangled, deep by the promise of our past we have a life that is connected to our promise of the past obligations linked with our grace tight & fast We are tired of our routine yearning for surprises We are bored of our chores dreaming being taken away from our fate… Read more »
Love! – Dedicated to Joe Sanders
Love, we all know it so well and it is so swell! Love, it is so cliché to mention and to talk about! Love, always fell in and fell out! Think, when we are in love with someone, this person makes us feel expecting, imagining & sensation of flying! Feel, when we love someone, this… Read more »
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